USDA Plant Hardiness Zones


Some of the most popular perennials, shrubs, and trees to grow in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones

Understanding USDA Plant Hardiness Zones

Understanding USDA hardiness zones is essential for gardeners, but it's only part of the picture. These zones are based solely on average annual minimum winter temperatures, helping identify which plants can survive winter in specific areas. However, this classification doesn't account for other critical factors like heat, humidity, rainfall, and soil conditions.

For example, Zone 9 encompasses parts of California and Florida. However, California's Zone 9 climate is hot and dry, while Florida's is hot and humid, resulting in very different growing conditions. Additionally, factors like soil type and local weather patterns can further influence plant success within the same zone, making it important for gardeners to consider all aspects of their local environment.

Find your growing zone here.

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